Context-Free Languages

Context-Free Grammar

Subjects to be Learned


Earlier in the discussion of grammars we saw context-free grammars. They are grammars whose productions have the form X -> , where X is a nonterminal and is a nonempty string of terminals and nonterminals. The set of strings generated by a context-free grammar is called a context-free language and context-free languages can describe many practically important systems. Most programming languages can be approximated by context-free grammar and compilers for them have been developed based on properties of context-free languages. Let us define context-free grammars and context-free languages here.

Definition (Context-Free Grammar) : A 4-tuple G = < V , , S , P > is a context-free grammar (CFG) if V and are finite sets sharing no elements between them, S V is the start symbol, and P is a finite set of productions of the form X -> , where X V , and ( V )* .
A language is a context-free language (CFL) if all of its strings are generated by a context-free grammar.

Example 1: L1 = { anbn | n is a positive integer } is a context-free language. For the following context-free grammar G1 = < V1 , , S , P1 > generates L1 :
V1 = { S } , = { a , b } and P1 = { S -> aSb , S -> ab }.

Example 2: L2 = { wwr| w {a, b }+ } is a context-free language , where w is a non-empty string and wr denotes the reversal of string w, that is, w is spelled backward to obtain wr . For the following context-free grammar G2 = < V2 , , S , P2 > generates L2 :
V2 = { S } , = { a , b } and P2 = { S -> aSa , S -> bSb , S -> aa , S -> bb }.

Example 3: Let L3 be the set of algebraic expressions involving identifiers x and y, operations + and * and left and right parentheses. Then L3 is a context-free language. For the following context-free grammar G3 = < V3 , 3, S , P3 > generates L3 :
V3 = { S } , 3 = { x , y , ( , ) , + , * } and P3 = { S -> ( S + S ) , S -> S*S , S -> x , S -> y }.

Example 4: Portions of the syntaxes of programming languages can be described by context-free grammars. For example
{ < statement > -> < if-statement > , < statement > -> < for-statement > , < statement > -> < assignment > , . . . , < if-statement > -> if ( < expression > ) < statement > , < for-statement > -> for ( < expression > ; < expression > ; < expression > ) < statement > , . . . , < expression > -> < algebraic-expression > , < expression > -> < logical-expression > , . . . } .

Properties of Context-Free Language

Theorem 1: Let L1 and L2 be context-free languages. Then L1 L2 , L1L2 , and L1* are context-free languages.

Outline of Proof

This theorem can be verified by constructing context-free grammars for union, concatenation and Kleene star of context-free grammars as follows:
Let G1 = < V1 , , S1 , P1 > and G2 = < V2 , , S2 , P2 > be context-free grammars generating L1 and L2 , respectively.
Then for L1 L2 , first relabel symbols of V2 , if necessary, so that V1 and V2 don't share any symbols. Then let Su be a symbol which is not in V1 V2 . Next define Vu = V1 V2 { Su } and Pu = P1 P2 { Su -> S1 , Su -> S2 } .
Then it can be easily seen that Gu = < Vu , , Su , Pu > is a context-free grammar that generates the language L1 L2 .

Similarly for L1L2 , first relabel symbols of V2 , if necessary, so that V1 and V2 don't share any symbols. Then let Sc be a symbol which is not in V1 V2 . Next define Vc = V1 V2 { Sc } and Pc = P1 P2 { Sc -> S1S2 } .
Then it can be easily seen that Gc = < Vc , , Sc , Pc > is a context-free grammar that generates the language L1L2 .

For L1* , let Ss be a symbol which is not in V1 . Then let Ps = P1 { Ss -> SsS1 , Ss -> } . It can be seen that the grammar Gs = < Vs , , Ss , Ps > is a context-free grammar that generates the language L1* .

Pushdown Automata

Like regular languages which are accepted by finite automata, context-free languages are also accepted by automata but not finite automata. They need a little more complex automata called pushdown automata.
Let us consider a context-free language anbn . Any string of this language can be tested for the membership for the language by a finite automaton if there is a memory such as a pushdown stack that can store a's of a given input string. For example, as a's are read by the finite automaton, push them into the stack. As soon as the symbol b appears stop storing a's and start popping a's one by one every time a b is read. If another a (or anything other than b) is read after the first b, reject the string. When all the symbols of the input string are read, check the stack. If it is empty, accept the string. Otherwise reject it.
This automaton behaves like a finite automaton except the following two points: First, its next state is determined not only by the input symbol being read, but also by the symbol at the top of the stack. Second, the contents of the stack can also be changed every time an input symbol is read. Thus its transition function specifies the new top of the stack contents as well as the next state.

Let us define this new type of automaton formally.

A pushdown automaton ( or PDA for short ) is a 7-tuple M = < Q , , , q0 , Z0 , A , > , where
Q is a finite set of states,
and are finite sets ( the input and stack alphabet, respectively ).
q0 is the initial state,
Z0 is the initial stack symbol and it is a member of ,
A is the set of accepting states
is the transition function and
: Q ( ( } -> 2 Q *.

Thus ( p , a , X ) = ( q , ) means the following:
The automaton moves from the current state of p to the next state q when it sees an input symbol a at the input and X at the top of the stack, and it replaces X with the string at the top of the stack.

Example 1 :

Let us consider the pushdown automaton < Q , , , q0 , Z0 , A , > , where Q = { q0 , q1 , q2 } , = { a , b } , = { a , b , Z0 } , A = { q2 } and let be as given in the following table:

State Input Top of Stack Move
q0 a Z0 ( q0 , aZ 0 )
q0 a a ( q0 , aa )
q0 b a ( q1 , )
q1 b a ( q1 , )
q1 Z0 ( q2 , Z0 )

This pushdown automaton accepts the language anbn . To describe the operation of a PDA we are going to use a configuration of PDA. A configuration of a PDA M = < Q , , , q0 , Z0 , A , > is a triple ( q , x , ) , where q is the state the PDA is currently in, x is the unread portion of the input string and is the current stack contents, where the input is read from left to right and the top of the stack corresponds to the leftmost symbol of . To express that the PDA moves from configuration ( p , x , ) to configuration ( q , y , ) in a single move (a single application of the transition function) we write
( p , x , ) ( q , y , ) .
If ( q , y , ) is reached from ( p , x , ) by a sequence of zero or more moves, we write
( p , x , ) * ( q , y , ) .

Let us now see how the PDA of Example 1 operates when it is given the string aabb , for example.
Initially its configuration is ( q0 , aabb , Z0 ). After reading the first a, its configuration is ( q0 , abb , aZ0 ). After reading the second a, it is ( q0 , bb , aaZ0 ). Then when the first b is read, it moves to state q1 and pops a from the top of the stack. Thus the configuration is ( q1 , b , aZ0 ). When the second b is read, another a is popped from the top of the stack and the PDA stays in state q1 . Thus the configuration is ( q1 , , Z0 ). Next it moves to the state q2 which is the accepting state. Thus aabb is accepted by this PDA. This entire process can be expressed using the configurations as

( q0 , aabb , Z0 ) ( q0 , abb , aZ0 ) ( q0 , bb , aaZ0 ) ( q1 , b , aZ0 ) ( q1 , , Z0 ) ( q2 , , Z0 ).

If we are not interested in the intermediate steps, we can also write

( q0 , aabb , Z0 ) * ( q2 , , Z0 ) .

A string x is accepted by a PDA (a.k.a. acceptance by final state)   if   (q0, x, Z0) * (q, , ),   for some in *, and an accepting state q.

Like FAs, PDAs can also be represented by transition diagrams. For PDAs, however, arcs are labeled differently than FAs. If ( q , a , X ) = ( p , ) , then an arc from state p to state q is added to the diagram and it is labeled with ( a , X / ) indicating that X at the top of the stack is replaced by upon reading a from the input. For example the transition diagram of the PDA of Example 1 is as shown below.


Example 2 :

Let us consider the pushdown automaton < Q , , , q0 , Z0 , A , > , where Q = { q0 , q1 , q2 } , = { a , b , c } , = { a , b , Z0 } , A = { q2 } and let be as given in the following table:

State Input Top of Stack Move
q0 a Z0 ( q0 , aZ 0 )
q0 b Z0 ( q0 , bZ 0 )
q0 a ( q0 , a )
q0 b ( q0 , b )
q0 c ( q1 , )
q1 a a ( q1 , )
q1 b b ( q1 , )
q1 Z0 ( q2 , Z0 )

In this table represents either a or b.

This pushdown automaton accepts the language { wcwr | w { a , b }* } , which is the set of palindromes with c in the middle.
For example for the input abbcbba, it goes through the following configurations and accepts it.

( q0 , abbcbba , Z0 ) ( q0 , bbcbba , aZ0 ) ( q0 , bcbba , baZ0 ) ( q0 , cbba , bbaZ0 )
( q1 , bba , bbaZ0 ) ( q1 , ba , baZ0 ) ( q1 , a , aZ0 ) ( q1 , , Z0 ) ( q2 , , Z0 ) .

This PDA pushes all the a's and b's in the input into stack until c is encountered. When c is detected, it ignores c and from that point on if the top of the stack matches the input symbol, it pops the stack. When there are no more unread input symbols and Z0 is at the top of the stack, it accepts the input string. Otherwise it rejects the input string.

The transition diagram of the PDA of Example 2 is as shown below. In the figure , 1 and 2 represent a or b.


Further topics on CFL