Windows NT Systems Programming

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Review for Mid Term

Assignment 2


What are the Systems invariants?

  1. First "int" in file has the value "MAGIC_COOKIE"
    (how big is an int?) BAD DESIGN CHOICE?
  2. There is a 1-to-1 mapping from message items in the list following the nextMsgItem to each message file in the folder
    Each message file has an entry with that file name and the topics match.
  3. No two messages can have the same filename (Uniqueness)
  4. Each message file consists of a fixed length topic and text section.

Detecting Corruption of the Messages file

  1. Test the value after opening the file
  2. Not fully tested. When opening a message file using filename in the messages file can detect missing message files or corrupted file names. Topics never checked for consistency.
  3. file system will prevent duplicate file names (because of CREATE_NEW)
  4. Not of concern for the messages file
  5. Message file must exist
  6. Message list must be multiple of size of Item


  1. MAGIC_COOKIE: easy
  2. nextMsgNum: hard
  3. MessageList: let object do the work.
  4. Need to enumerate message files, get topics, filenames

Assignment 3

What are reasonable requirements?

Copyright chris wild 1997.
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Last updated: October 06, 1997.