Development Environments

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Dec 19, 2023

1 Development Environments

Software development refers to the whole range of activities required to produce working software. Certainly programming (writing code) is a major component of software development. But that code also needs to be tested and debugged. There may be also be additional steps required to deploy the software, packaging it up in a form where it can be made available to its users for use.

The collection of tools that we use to support all of these development activities is called our development environment.

1.1 The Basics

At a minimum, every development environment, will include

Whether you are running on Linux, Windows, or MacOS, you need these components. Strictly speaking, you don’t need anything else. The operating system provides command-line shells from which you can launch the compiler, the debugger, and the compiled code. Code libraries simply need to be available to the compiler on demand. And you can use any text editor to edit source code, even very basic ones like nano on Linux or NotePad on Windows.

1.2 IDEs

But few programmers really want to work with such bare-bones tools.

Instead, we usually prefer to work through and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that manages the whole process from editing your code to compiling to debugging.

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software package that attempts to combine the primary programming activities of

  1. project setup,
  2. editing,
  3. building (compiling), and
  4. debugging

into one unified user interface. Some IDEs go even further, offering support for testing, version control, team collaboration and other activities that are beyond the scope of this course.

You may already have used some IDEs in Windows or MacOS. Eclipse, for example, is an IDE used heavily in our beginning courses. If you have taken programming courses in other universities or departments, you may have used Microsoft’s Visual Studio IDE or others.

An IDE is not a compiler.

This is a common misunderstanding among beginning programming students. An IDE uses and supports a compiler. But the compiler is a separate program. We have already seen how compilers can be invoked from the command line as separate entities.

Some IDEs are designed to work with a single programming language or even a specific compiler for a single programming language. Other IDEs are designed many different programming languages.

Every IDE will provide a facility for editing your code, compiling it, and correcting errors. Most require you to start by defining a “project”, a kind of organizing unit that keeps track of which files are in your project and of any special settings or options you might need when building (compiling) your project.

Simple IDEs often assume that the only steps involved in building a project is to compile the source code. More sophisticated ones will make use of build managers such as make, Maven, or Gradle.

Beginning programmers might not need all that flexibility, and the best IDEs keep all that out of your way until you actually need it.

2 Development Environments are Personal

There may be times when you will be sitting in a CS Dept lab, in which case you will use the software provided on the lab machines.

But many students find that they spend a lot of their programming time working on their own PC’s. That might be a desktop machine at home or a laptop that goes back and forth between home and campus.

When it comes to planning the development environment that you want to run from your own PC, you have choices.

There are three major styles of development environment to consider.

2.1 Local Development

In earlier courses, you may have been encouraged to install an IDE (probably Eclipse), compiler, and debugger on your own (local) PC and to do all your work there.

Having the IDE and all of the development environment components on your own PC is called local development.



Local development is outside the scope of this course (this is, after all, a course on Linux, not Windows). But if you would like to explore this option on your own, I have some recommendations and instructions.

2.2 Remote Display

In remote display development, we run the IDE, compiler, & debugger on a remote machine (e.g. the CS Linux servers) and have the results displayed on our local PC’s screen.

In a sense, this is what you have already been doing when you worked with the compiler in your SSH sessions, but we can upgrade that experience to a full IDE via X, and this is the subject of the next lesson.



The next lesson will look at IDEs to use in this remove viewing mode of development.

2.3 Remote Development

Remote development strikes a middle point between the extremes of running everything on your PC or running everything on the remote machine.

The compiler and debugger are run on the remote machine and do not need to be installed on your own PC.

The IDE, however, is installed and run on your own PC. It communicates with the remote machine via a combination of SSH and SFTP show you your files on the remote machine, let you edit them, and to issue commands to the compiler and debugger on the remote machine.



We will cover this style of development in a later lesson.

2.4 Summary

Local Development Remote Development Remote Display
compiler runs on your local PC remote server remote server
IDE runs on your local PC your local PC remote server
load on local CPU high low medium
load on network none low high
software to install javac, Eclipse or VSCode VSCode X or X2Go