CS361, Spring 2024


1. Reference Material

Review material from Earlier Courses

The C++ Language

The C++ Standard Library (std/STL)



Algorithm Animations

A number of the more important or interesting algorithms covered in this course are available as animations that you can run to see how the data is being manipulated.

2. Tutoring

3. Software Downloads

Compilers & IDEs

A compiler translates your programming language source code into an executable. A compiler is not a program that allows you to create, edit, run, test, & debug your code. Code::Blocks, Eclipse, XCode, etc. are not compilers – they are IDEs (see below).

An IDE is a program that “surrounds” a compiler and provides support for a variety of programming activities, including writing code, compiling it, correcting errors, running and testing the resulting program, and debugging the program.

You can find my recommendations for compilers and IDEs to install on your own PC here.

Boost Library

boost is a collection of peer-reviewed C++ libraries that explores avenues for possible future standardization. Many boost libraries have already made their way into the C++ std library. Some are under consideration. Some others may never make it into the standard but are just plain useful.

To install boost, you can use this starting guide. The TLDR version is: