Exam Procedures

Steven J. Zeil

Last modified: May 17, 2022

1 Taking the Exam

  1. Exams are due on the date shown as "Due:’ in Canvas and as announced in the Outline.
    • Exams will be listed as “Available” for 24 hrs or more after that. This is to permit students who have suffered a network failure just before the due date to re-enter the exam to complete it as described below. (Canvas automatically submits any open exams when the “Available” period expires.)
  2. The exams for this course require the use of the Respondus Lockdown Browser. Be sure that you have installed this software and tested it out well in advance of the exam date.
  3. Exams are to be taken individually, without soliciting or accepting aid from other people, whether face-to-face or on-line. You will have access to the course website during the exam. Other internet resources are not permitted.
  4. The exams will have a time limit. Time counts against that limit from when you first open the exam until you submit it. If you leave the exam and return later, the clock continues to run while you are away.
    • You will not be automatically thrown out of the exam when the time limit expires.
    • It is your responsibility to submit before the allotted time is up.
    • An on-screen timer is provided for your convenience.
    • If you go over the permitted time, you may (and probably will) be penalized.
  5. Do not forget to “Submit” before you leave the exam!
    • If you do not “Submit”, you will be recorded as having gone over the permitted time – likely by a significant amount.
  6. If you should suffer a network connection or other technical issue that interferes with your completion of the exam,
    1. Take note of the time.
    2. When your service is restored, send me an email explaining the problem, the time at which it occurred, and the time at which you were able to resume.
    3. You may then resume the exam and work past the clock deadline as necessary to complete the exam. (This is actually the reason why I do not set the timer to automatically close and submit your exam when time expires.)
    4. I will judge whether the disruption justifies the amount of additional time you take.

2 Viewing Your Grades

My usual goal is to get each quiz/exam graded within a week of its due date. If we are unable to meet that goal, an announcement will be posted.