4.1. Viewing and Replying to Existing Discussion Threads

As you read through most documents, you will see that some have discussion threads listed at the buttom. For example, you should see a "Welcome to the Forum" thread listed at the buttom of this page. (If not, try going to the multi-page version of this document.) Clicking on the thread title will take you to that discussion. Try it now, and read up on how to add your own replies to an existing discussion thread.

Reading through a document with existing discussion threads is the electronic equivalent of sitting in a lecture and having one of your classmates raise their hand to ask a question. In many cases, that question and its answer may help you learn more about the topic under discussion. In some cases, you may know the answer and be able to supply it. You are encouraged to do so, so that you and your classmates together are able to get prompt answers to any questions you may have.

In the Forum:

(no threads at this time)