
Product Development

In order for the Restaurant Assistant project to be developed, certain hardware and software resources must be acquired. The first and most obvious is computer workstations for the employees to use. Necessary software must also be purchased for the software developers.

In total for hardware resources, the team will need five computer workstations and one net workable color laser printer. The total price for hardware is $4,985.00. This price includes five computer workstations at $941.00 each, and one printer at $280.00. More details on the hardware specifications and source can be found in the Resources section of this appendix.

For software three main packages will be required. The total price for software will be $3,402.00. The first being three copies of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Professional Edition at $504.00 each. This software package will be utilized by the software engineers to develop the Restaurant Assistant Software program, mainly in the programming language C#. The second software required will be one copy of Adobe CS Suite at $890.00, which the graphics designer will take advantage of to develop graphics for the system, software, website, and advertising. The final software package will be five copies of Microsoft Office Professional at $200.00, which all employees will use for word processing, data processing, flowcharts, communication, and more as needed.

The software and hardware items mentioned above are what will be required to develop the Restaurant Assistant system. The total price for these items will be $8,387. The price breakdown is in a chart and graph below:

The graph below shows a doughnut diagram of the development budget, breaking down the costs for hardware and software used in development. The outside ring shows the individual costs of hardware and software, and the inside ring show the separate costs of hardware and software as a whole.