1.2. Compiling in emacs

When your programs contain mistakes, compiling them in the shell can result in large numbers of error messages scrolling by faster than you can read them. For this reason, I find it best to compile from within the emacs editor.

Compiling with emacs

Example 7.3. Try This:

  1. Get into emacs and call up one of the hello programs from the prior section. Change it so that it contains one or more syntax errors, and save this file.

  2. Now give the emacs command: M-x compile. At the bottom of the screen, you will be asked for the compile command. If the suggested command is not what you want (it won't be, until you learn to use make to manage your program compilations), then type in the proper command just as if you were typing it into the shell.

    emacs will invoke the compiler, showing its output in a window. Figure 7.3, “Compiling a program in emacs, with syntax errors” shows a typical emacs session after such a compilation.

    Figure 7.3. Compiling a program in emacs, with syntax errors

    Compiling a program in emacs, with syntax errors

  3. In this case, there should be one or more error messages. The emacs next-error command (C-x `) will move you to the source code location of the first error. Each subsequent use of C-x ` will move you to the next error location in turn, until all the reported error messages have been dealt with.

    Use this command to step through the errors.[42]

Compiling with vim

vim (vi improved) is an reasonable alternative to emacs on many Unix systems. It provides syntax-highlighting editor, can launch the compiler and will display the error messages, synchronized with the source code (Figure 7.4, “The vim (vi improved) editor”). It provides no interface to the debugger, however.

Figure 7.4. The vim (vi improved) editor

The vim (vi improved) editor

To learn the basics of running vim, give the command vimtutor.

After you worked through the basics, cd into a directory where you have a C++ program and a makefile, and load one of the source files (e.g., vim foo.cpp). The command :make (including the leading colon :) will run the make program to attempt compilation. If you have errors, the command :cc will display the first one, :cn moves you to the next error, and :cp moves you to the previous one.

[42] Note carefully that the second character in the C-x ` command is the backwards apostrophe, not the regular one.