MFCD Competition Matrix Flow Diagrams Risk Matrix What's in the box? Interfaces

.: Diagrams page

Here you will find diagrams related to the ThrillTracker project and the CS 410 course. These diagrams are a part of course requirements, and will become available as these requirements become due. These documents are a continuous work in progress, so check back soon to review additions and/or modifications made to them.


.: What's here

The following is a list of current items accessible from this page:

.: Definitions

Major Functional Component Diagram: Our MFCD is currently just a top level design diagram of, conceptually, how our product will function. As discovery of detail is added to the design of our project, our MFCD will be updated to show that level of detail graphically.

Competition Matrix: The competition matrix that we have developed is a breakdown of current solution providers and how their implementations compare to the product that we are proposing. Our hope is that we can provide a set of innovative features beyond the scope of what is currently being developed.

Flow Diagrams: Our flow diagrams indicate process flows for how certain processes will work when developed in our system. Transactions and exchanges made internally by our system, are outlined in these diagrams as they serve a beneficial purpose for understanding the functionality of the dynamics in our system.

Risk Matrix: The risk matrix compares the probability of the occurance of identified risk against the impact that it has on the functionality of our product in production.

What's in the box?: This diagram gives a basic graphical rendering of what you would get if buying our product, and what the system would consist of. Since each application of our product would, to a certain degree, be unique to fit the needs of the individual customer, this outline of components is only one that would be apply to the full implementation of every aspect of the ThrillTracker product.

Interfaces: Here you will find some mock up examples of what some sample interfaces could be developed into for customer use. Our intefaces would, most likely, be somewhat unique for each individual customer.

Web site contents © Copyright CS 410 Blue Team Spring 2007, All rights reserved.