Presentations SBIR WBS Budget Goal & Objectives Abstract

.: Documents page

Here you will find documents related to the project requirements for CS 410. Some of the items on this page will be available, and some will not, depending upon when you visit this page, and when the requirements are due. As always, you can check back at any time to review updates made to this page.


.: What's here

The following is a list of current items accessible from this page:

.: Definitions

Presentations: Our presentations are in power point format, and consist of each team member's initial individual presentations for CS 410, and also collective presentations given in support of the ThrillTracker project.

SBIR: A Small Business Innovation Research program is a federal program that awards research and development funds to small businesses to encourage them to explore their technological potential and innovate new technologies that will be made commercially available to the public. Our SBIR is a technical outline for our proposal.

WBS: Our Work Breakdown Structure outlines the process for developing our product by phase and task.

Budget: The budget breakdown for the purpose of this project will be used to calculate the estimated total cost of such a system, developed through the stages of our project development cycles.

Goal and Objectives: Our goal and objectives briefly define what we want to accomplish with our project.

Project Abstract: Much like the goal and objectives, our project abstract is a brief overview of our intentions with this project.

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