Working on Problems

When working on a self-assessment or test problem, the instructor will provide you with a special link to invoke the editor.

You must use that link to prepare your answer.

That link identifies the problem that you are working on.

Submitting Your Answer

You can "submit" your answer in one of two ways:

  • The Save button will record your current formal language for review by the instructor.

    The Save button only records a single language -- the one you last saved is the one that the instructor will see and is the one that you can retrieve via the Load button.

  • If you need to show more than one formal language in your answer, or if you want to keep track of multiple versions of your language, use the Save button to copy each language's URL to the clipboard, then paste that URL into the answer area of your quiz/test/whatever.

Reviewing Your Grade

For quizzes, tests, and other graded activities, the Grade Report button will produce a message indicating that the report is unavailable while you are working on your submission.

After your submitted work has been graded, the instructor or TA may release the grade report, allowing you to use the Grade Report button.

When you return to review your graded work,

  1. Use the instructor-provided link to view the problem.
  2. Use the Load button to retrieve your submission.
  3. Use the Grade Report to see how your submission fared.