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A multinational survey, developed principally by Mark Kopmann, was conducted by us, the WSD development team, to gain a better understanding of the demands and desires of as many people as possible. You may view the survey here. A rather detailed market analysis was composed describing the results of the survey. Overall, the results of the survey showed that there is a great interest in our product, the Wristband Sleep Detector. The market analysis can be found here.1

Other statistics:
U.S. Population Estimate: 288,189,298
source: http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html

Total U.S. Licenced Drivers: 179, 539,340
source: "Our Nations Highways" U.S. Department of Transportation (.pdf file )

Total number of commercial trucks in operation in the U.S: 15.5 million.
( 1.9 million are tractor trailers )
source: http://www.truckinfo.net/stats.asp

Expanded Markets:
Number of employed commerical pilots in the U.S: 70,000
source: http://usgovinfo.miningco.com/library/weekly/aa071102a.htm

Number of Air Traffic Controllers in the U.S: 15,000
source: http://www.cnn.com/2002/TRAVEL/NEWS/07/25/air.traffic.controllers/

Number of Correctional Officers employed in the U.S: 457,000
source: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos156.htm

Number of registered Nurses in the U.S: 2,696, 540
source: http://www.seniors.gov/articles/0201/registered-nurses.html
1 In order to view the market analysis, Adobe Acrobat Reader is required, as the report is presented in a PDF format. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader Now

SBIR Submission / Project Plan
Final Approval Presentation
Milestones Presentation
Feasibility Presentation
The Survey
Market Analysis

Interview w/ Dr. Catesby Ware
National Commission on Sleep Disorder
More references...
Doze Driver Sleep Alarm
Sonic Nap Alert System
Personal Alarm System

Old Dominion University CS410
Computer Productivity Initiative, Fall 2002